3 Updates on Saving the Preserve

3 Updates on Saving the Preserve


  1. Despite the 2016 voter referendum to protect the Equestrian Preserve, village staff has indicated support for a developer’s proposal to build condos and hotels within the preserve: “Staff is supportive of the intent of these applications and the future growth of the competition venues.”– March 29 staff report.
  2. The developer’s proposal was fast-tracked and made it past the Development Review Committee and Equestrian Preserve Committee all the way to the Planning, Zoning and Adjustment Board. The PZ board delayed it once in April and put it back on the agenda in May. After the threat of legal action for pushing it ahead, the PZ board voted to send it back to the DRC for further review. The DRC meeting date has not yet been set, though village staff anticipates it will be resubmitted soon. That meeting will be open to the public, but public comment will not be taken.
  3. The proposal FAILED county traffic standards last month. “Based on the review, it has been determined the proposed development at this time does not meet the Traffic Performance Standards of Palm Beach County.” — May 11 county engineering report.


    If you want to save the preserve, you have to keep speaking out to get the attention of the village council.

    Don’t want until the proposal gets to the council.

    Show up and speak out at every step.

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